House League Ranking 2024

Every 4 weeks we will organise an internal Blitz handicap tournament. These tournaments will all be played without ELO evaluation. The mode is designed so that later participants also have a very good chance of a good ranking. Complete rules can be downloaded here as a PDF.

Timetable: 10 minutes + 2x10 seconds Byoyomi

Preceptions: The preceptions are made according to the traditional system, in which each preception is assigned to exactly one rank difference.

Ranking 2024

Richi2 Dan+1--1-122212
Daniel1 Kyu0-20130214
Vava14 Kyu0-2---22
Georg4 Kyu00----02
Oliver10 Kyu0---0-03
Shingo4 Dan0----1--14
Fumihiro1 Dan+1221-4-2-113
Ishikawa14 Kyu0--1----11
Florencio2 Kyu-2--2-1---35

(* LM stands for Ligamodifier)

Individual evaluations:

Evaluation 01.2024
Evaluation 02.2024
Evaluation 03.2024